National Geographic
A Digital Publication of the Famous Travel and Science Magazine
National Geographic is one of the most well known magazines in the world, covering everything from endangered species to global politics. This particular issue delved deeper into one of the universes greatest mysteries; Black Holes. Nat Geo’s print magazine, while amazing, is a difficult medium to tackle the vastness of space. This digital version allows for interactivity on each page that immerses the viewer in the material. All of the backgrounds are photos of galaxies and the stars twinkle as you are reading. The spread about the sun collapsing is completely black and unreadable when you first open to it, but the sun rises into the page and the text is revealed. There is a long spread that readers can scroll through to see the entire life-cycle of a star, including a breakdown of the elements. The gravity page is fully interactive, letting the reader see just how much gravitational pull certain celestial bodies have. This format is great for this type of story because if the reader has questions, videos explaining more are built right into the publication.